
Popular South African Singer, Master KG Denies Being Queen Lolly’s Baby Daddy

Popular South African Singer, Master KG Denies Being Queen Lolly’s Baby Daddy

A South African singer, Master KG has denied having a child with controversial socialite Queen Lolly. Lolly recently went public about her encounters with South African celebrities such as Master KG and Heavy K.

While she singled out Heavy K for praise for his bedroom prowess, he singled out Master KG as inept, with no bedroom game at all.

In a recent interview, she went into greater detail about her sexual encounters, stating that she was in a relationship with AKA and that she was happy whenever they spent time together. Members of the public reacted angrily to her claim, insisting that AKA would not stoop so low to date her.

She also claimed that she has a baby for Master KG. something the “Jerusalema” hitmaker was quick to respond to. In reply to a tweet about her claim that they had a child together, he insisted she made the claim for clout. He insisted that people would say anything just to grab headlines, and Lolly had done just that. You can check out the tweet below.

Well, this isn’t the first time a lady had popped online to claim that she has a child for a celeb. And it certainly wouldn’t be the last.


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